Utama Spice Body Butter, Body Mist, & Lip Balm

If you wouldn’t cook with it, you shouldn’t put it on your body.

Utama Spice adalah produk perawatan kulit yang berasal dari bahan - bahan tradisional (seperti, sereh, lemon, coklat, mawar, dll. Kini dikembangkan oleh  Ria Templer seorang wanita blasteran Inggris Indonesia, dan terciptalah beberapa produk yang baik untuk kulit, baik juga untuk kesehatan, dan tentunya aman untuk lingkungan. Produk - produknya diantaranya lip balm, body butter, body mist, masker, lotion, hair care, dll. Kalau mau tau gimana sejarahnya sampe produk ini tercipta, ayuk baca kisahnya dibawah ini.

About Utama Spice

Utama Spice is a traditional skincare company based in Ubud, Bali. We focus on applying ancient Balinese herbal knowledge to create products that not only enhance your skin’s natural beauty but also provokes your mind to consider the raw power and beauty of nature. We do this by using only 100% pure natural ingredients. We got our start in 1989 when Dayu Suci and Melanie Templer saw a need to retain Bali’s amazing herbal knowledge and traditions.  This knowledge was being quickly lost with the advent of modern products containing dangerous chemicals. As the demand for traditional remedies declined, the herbs and spices used in these remedies were too quickly being lost further perpetuating the cycle.

Dayu, with her extensive knowledge of traditional Balinese remedies, and Melanie, with her never ending quest to discover the wonders of the natural world, quickly rediscovered the amazing benefits of essential oils and other natural ingredients. They started making their remedies by hand for their loved ones. We have continued their passion today in the hope of sharing their discoveries with you and your loved ones.

All of our products are made by hand, never using binders, artificial colorants, preservatives or synthetics. We started doing traditional skincare before “natural” or “organic” became the buzzwords they are today. We’ve never strayed from our focus. Meanwhile the skincare industry struggles to work out what we discovered over 20 years ago and the Balinese knew centuries ago. We continue to find modern applications for traditional Balinese recipes, and still formulate all our own bases, formulas, and wellness products from the same wonders of the earth.

Tri Hita Karana Philosophy

We started small and we like it that way. We adhere to the Balinese cultural concept of Tri Hita Karana, which commits us to respecting and working harmoniously with humanity, nature and the divine. As a business we understand the importance of the individual to maintain the health of the global village, so we strive to lower our impact on the environment. We do extensive research to support the local natural resource base and to enhance local farming skills in such areas as organic farming, bee farming and seaweed farming. These farming communities produce the raw materials for our products. If you wouldn’t cook with it, you shouldn’t put it on your body.

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Tropical Flower Body Butter (with pure Ylang Ylang Oil)

"This is a mood lifting blend of Ylang-Ylang and Vanilla in an aloe-vera moisturizer, paying tribue to Balinese offerings"

Wanginya tuh bunga kenanga bangett. Aku punya memori tentang wangi bunga ini hihihiii. Jadi dulu waktu SD - SMP secara sekolah deket gitu ya sama rumah, jadi jalan kakilah saya setiap hari. Aku suka metikin bunga kenanga ini kalau lagi lewat di depan rumah tetangga. Trs di cium - ciumin sepanjang jalan. Ini ibarat bunga kenanga dicampur minyak dan di taro di wadah. Ngga ada wangi - wangian lainnya. Untuk kamu yang kurang suka sama wangi - wangian alami mungkin kurang cocok, krn wangi produk ini cukup kuat.

Teksturnya lembut dan berminyak, produk ini lebih berminyak dari produk serupa, dan menyerap sempurnanya setelah beberapa kali diusap. Karena agak berminyak, jadi aku suka pake ini untuk urut, badannya jadi lembab, wanginya menyejukkan, dan pegel - pegelku hilang deh. hihihihi.

Netto : 30 gr
POM NA 18130100099
Expired 9 Juni 2015
(karena tanpa bahan pengawet, jadi masa kadaluarsanya tidak terlalu lama)
Harga Rp. 74.250,-

Fresh Soul Body Mist & Peppermint Lip Balm

Body mist ini wanginya agak susah dideskripsikan, ada wangi peppermintnya, ada wangi - wangi yang agak mirip minyak kayu putihnya, tapi wangi peppermintnya lebih mendominasi. Intinya wanginya segar, tapi khas banget bahan - bahan herbal. Kemasannya mungil, mudah dibawa - bawa.

Netto : 20 ml
POM NA 18130600049
Komposisi : Aqua, Etanol, Agar, Fruit Oil, Peppermint, Leaf Oil, Root Oil, Nutmeg, dll
Harga Rp. 33.000,-

Lip balmya juga wangi peppermint (ya keleuusss, namanya juga peppermint hahahhaha), tapi ada sedikit wangi kelapa, dan ini enakkkkkk.. Sensasi dinginnya berasa, dan memang bener - bener melembabkan bibir sampai bangun besok paginya.

Netto : 5 gr
Expired 11 Desember 2015
(mungkin lebih kurang 12 bulan setelah produksi)
POM NA 18121302574
Komposisi : Cocos nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Beeswax, Mentha arvensis Leaf Oil, Mentha pipoerita Leaf.
Harga Rp. 15.950,-

Semua produk Utama Spice bisa kamu dapatkan di Guardian, Century, Lazada, Zalora, Natural Farm, di berbagai wilayah di Bali, Onyx Natural Health Store & Clinic Australia, bahkan sampai ke Silvervine Jepang. Untuk keterangan lebih lengkap, bisa langsung klik link dibawah ini.

Terima kasih Utama Spice, semoga tetep memakai produk natural dari dalam negeri ya, dan makin banyak membuka lapangan kerja lebih banyak lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesia khususnya Bali.

Selamat tidur, mimpi indahhhhhh... *smooch

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